Saturday, November 1, 2008

Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE)

Picked up my son from the metro station to take him to vote absentee since he has classes on Tuesday. After a two hour wait and getting close to the room where the voting booths were set up, I was pleased to see members of the OSCE monitoring the voting site on Franconia Road in Fairfax County. After the 2000 elections, I have been crying for the UN to monitor our elections. So hopefully with the OSCE and the world's eyes on the U.S., perhaps there will be less disenfranchisement of voters. We shall see.

1 comment:

E. said...

I had the easiest voting experience of my life. I walked in, late, after dark. I was done in about 5-10 minutes tops! No lines, no demonstrations, no ads, no pamphlets, nada.

Almost too easy....I'm suspicious.